Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
Barloworld's approach |
Addressed |
Group policy |
Strategic framework and
business model |
FY2024 Group Aspirations |
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards |
Code of Ethics |
Worldwide Code of Conduct |
Strategic pillars and responsible citizenship programme |
FY2024 Group Aspirations
FY2024 Performance
Aspect: Disclosure on Management Approach |
Indicator(s) |
SDG1 |
End poverty in all its forms everywhere |
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit ater tax (NPAT))
- Assisting communities severely impacted by extreme weather conditions
- Improving science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching through the Barloworld Foundation
- Impact of providing financial and non-financial support to social enterprises
- Advancing economic transformation through the participation of black people in the mainstream economy (Khula Sizwe)
- Developing sustainable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through our enterprise and supplier development (ESD) programme, Siyakhula
- Preferential procurement from Siyakhula participants
- Enrolment in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships
- Beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme
- Awarding of external and internal bursaries
- Training and development contributing to a just transition throughout the group
- BBS leadership transformation
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme)
- Engage with our key stakeholders and takes into consideration their needs, interests and expectations
- 239 people were enrolled in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships at Barloworld during
- 124 young people were beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme in South Africa
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
- Over 90% of the brand champions within the Barloworld Equipment southern Africa have successfully completed lean foundational training (i.e.BBS Green). This is an important step towards an organisation of analytical people, focused on finding solutions for the benefit of our stakeholders.
- 12 external bursaries & 46 internal bursaries were awarded
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme) in partnership with GIBS Business School: 88 senior leaders participating
- Siyakhula contributed R16 million to fund 46 beneficiaries as part of our ESD programme.
The multiplier effect of our contributions provided 896 individuals with much-needed employment opportunities.
Barloworld contributed R16.6 million (2023: R36 million) to Siyakhula in support of SMME beneficiaries.
- One Barloworld Deployed Employee Engagement Survey:
81.7% employees in the Group participated in the survey
- Happy Job survey (VT operation only):
79% employees in VT patricipated in the survey
SDG2 |
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture |
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit ater tax (NPAT))
- Assisting communities severely impacted by extreme weather conditions
- Improving science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching through the Barloworld Foundation
- Impact of providing financial and non-financial support to social enterprises
- Advancing economic transformation through the participation of black people in the mainstream economy (Khula Sizwe)
- Developing sustainable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through our enterprise and supplier development (ESD) programme, Siyakhula
- Preferential procurement from Siyakhula participants
- Enrolment in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships
- Beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme
- Awarding of external and internal bursaries
- Training and development contributing to a just transition throughout the group
- BBS leadership transformation
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme)
- 239 people were enrolled in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships at Barloworld during
- 124 young people were beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme in South Africa
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
- Over 90% of the brand champions within the Barloworld Equipment southern Africa have successfully completed lean foundational training (i.e.BBS Green). This is an important step towards an organisation of analytical people, focused on finding solutions for the benefit of our stakeholders.
- 12 external bursaries & 46 internal bursaries were awarded
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme) in partnership with GIBS Business School: 88 senior leaders participating
- Siyakhula contributed R16 million to fund 46 beneficiaries as part of our ESD programme.
- The multiplier effect of our contributions provided 896 individuals with much-needed employment opportunities.
- Barloworld contributed R16.6 million (2023: R36 million) to Siyakhula in support of SMME beneficiaries.
- 46 businesses that support approximately 896 jobs participated in Siyakhula and benefited from its ESD programme
SDG3 |
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages |
- Responsible citizenship propramme
- Instill a high-performance culture
- Work-related fatalities Target: Zero
- LTIFR Target: ≤0.34 (Sustainability Linked Bond)
- Utilisation of Employee Assistance Programme
- Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- Use of our new employee assistance programme focusing on holistic wellness increased 141%
SDG4 |
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all |
- Instill a high performance culture
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Enrolment in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships
- Beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit after tax (NPAT))
- Awarding of external and internal bursaries
- Training and development contributing to a just transition throughout the group
- BBS leadership transformation
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme)
- 239 people were enrolled in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships at Barloworld during
- 124 young people were beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme in South Africa
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
- Over 90% of the brand champions within the Barloworld Equipment southern Africa have successfully completed lean foundational training (i.e.BBS Green). This is an important step towards an organisation of analytical people, focused on finding solutions for the benefit of our stakeholders.
- 12 external bursaries & 46 internal bursaries were awarded
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme) in partnership with GIBS Business School: 88 senior leaders participating
- Siyakhula contributed R16 million to fund 46 beneficiaries as part of our ESD programme.
- The multiplier effect of our contributions provided 896 individuals with much-needed employment opportunities.
- Barloworld contributed R16.6 million (2023: R36 million) to Siyakhula in support of SMME beneficiaries.
- 46 businesses that support approximately 896 jobs participated in Siyakhula and benefited from its ESD programme
SDG5 |
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls |
- Obey the law
- Respect others
- Be fair
- Instill a high performance culture
- Responsible citizenship programme
- % Female representation in leadership target: 48.70%
- % Growing the proportion of ≥30% black women owned businesses in our South African supply chain target: 14.70%
- The board intends to ensure that a minimum of 50% of our board members are women and that a minimum of 50% of our board members are black South Africans.
- Enrolment in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships
- Beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit ater tax (NPAT))
- Training and development contributing to a just transition throughout the group
- % Female representation in leadership:
FY2024: 52.54% (Target Met)
- Female representation on Board: 50%
- Percentage of procurement spend with ≥30% black women owned businesses in our South African supply chain :
FY2024: 19.07% (Target Met)
- 239 people were enrolled in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships at Barloworld during
- 124 young people were beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme in South Africa
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
SDG6 |
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all |
- Obey the law
- Protect the environment
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Water (municipal & borehole sources): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- 3% less water withdraw year-on-year
- Water recycled: 7ML (up 125% year-on-year)
SDG7 |
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all |
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024 (Sustainability Linked Bond)
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Increase recycled water volumes
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Contributions to the circular economy - Rebuilding and remanufacturing extend and provide multiple life cycles to components that would otherwise be scrapped and often sent to landfills
- Energy solutions, including biogas, solar PV, etc
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
- The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak).
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2) (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: regressed by 0.23% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- 85% of sold components were remanufactured, with the balance being new component sales
SDG8 |
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all |
- Instill a high performance culture
- Drive profitable growth
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Zero work-related fatalities
- LTIFR ≤0.34
- Investing in the development of our people, which helps provide Barloworld with the skills it needs
- Employee engagement
- Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- FY2024: Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
- One Barloworld Deployed Employee Engagement Survey:
81.7% employees in the Group participated in the survey
- Happy Job survey (VT operation only):
79% employees in VT patricipated in the survey
SDG9 |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
- Obey the law
- Respect others
- Be fair
- Commitment
- Teamwork
- Sustainability
- People
- Diversity and inclusion
- Sustainable development
- Profitable growth
- Zero work-related fatalities
- LTIFR ≤0.34
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water (municipal sources & borehole): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- % Gender diversity in leadership throughout the organisation 48.70%
- % Growing the proportion of black womenowned businesses in our South African supply chain 14.70%
- Takes responsibility for leading ethically and establishing an ethical culture
- Engage with our key stakeholders and takes into consideration their needs, interests and expectations
- Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- % Female representation in leadership:
FY2024: 52.54% (Target Met)
- Percentage of procurement spend with ≥30% black women owned businesses in our South African supply chain :
FY2024: 19.07% (Target Met)
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
- The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak).
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- To promote this mantra and to foster a unified ethical culture, the following measures have yielded positive results:
Quarterly ethics community meetings with the divisional ethics champions
A monthly ethics newsletter, which is disseminated group-wide
A centralised tip-offs case management system
Group-wide virtual and in-person training sessions on sexual harassment; harassment and bullying; and ethics and compliance policies
Awareness campaigns on malicious reporting vs protected disclosures; conflicts of interest; retaliation; gifts and hospitality; fraud; theft; and anti-bribery and corruption.
- Calls made to the Barloworld Ethics Line:
39% of the closed calls were substantiated, 48% were unsubstantiated and 13% were inconclusive
145 ethics calls were received
47% being human resources related
- Total substantiated closed calls, resulted in:
15 dismissals;
6 written warnings;
10 final written warnings, and criminal cases were opened for fraud, corruption and theft
- One Barloworld Deployed Employee Engagement Survey:
81.7% employees in the Group participated in the survey
- Happy Job survey (VT operation only):
79% employees in VT patricipated in the survey
SDG10 |
Reduce inequality within and among countries |
- Obey the law
- Respect others
- Be fair
- Instill a high performance culture
- Responsible citizenship programme
- % Female representation in leadership target: 48.70%
- % Growing the proportion of black women owned businesses in our South African supply chain target: 14.70%
- Enrolment in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships
- Beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit ater tax (NPAT))
- Awarding of external and internal bursaries
- Training and development contributing to a just transition throughout the group
- BBS leadership transformation
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme)
- % Female representation in leadership:
FY2024: 52.54% (Target Met)
- Percentage of procurement spend with ≥30% black women owned businesses in our South African supply chain :
FY2024: 19.07% (Target Met)
- 239 people were enrolled in apprenticeships, internships and learnerships at Barloworld during
- 124 young people were beneficiaries of our Young Talent Programme in South Africa
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
- Our people investment included R53.4 million in training and development
- Over 90% of the brand champions within the Barloworld Equipment southern Africa have successfully completed lean foundational training (i.e.BBS Green). This is an important step towards an organisation of analytical people, focused on finding solutions for the benefit of our stakeholders.
- 12 external bursaries & 46 internal bursaries were awarded
- SEED (Sustainable Evolution Executive Development Programme) in partnership with GIBS Business School: 88 senior leaders participating.
SDG11 |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable |
- Drive profitable growth
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Zero work-related fatalities
- LTIFR ≤0.34
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water (municipal & borehole sources): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak)
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
SDG12 |
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns |
- Responsible corporate commitment
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water (municipal sources & borehole): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024
- Increase recycled water volumes
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Contributions to the circular economy - Rebuilding and remanufacturing extend and provide multiple life cycles to components that would otherwise be scrapped and often sent to landfills
- Energy solutions, including biogas, solar PV, etc
- Corporate Social Investment (CSI) spend (1% Net profit ater tax (NPAT))
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2) (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: regressed by 0.23% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak).
- Water recycled: 7ML
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- 85% of sold components were remanufactured, with the balance being new component sales
- CSI Spend:
FY2024: R13m
FY2023: R12m
SDG13 |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts |
- Responsible corporate commitment
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water (municipal sources & borehole): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024
- Increase recycled water volumes
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Contributions to the circular economy - Rebuilding and remanufacturing extend and provide multiple life cycles to components that would otherwise be scrapped and often sent to landfills
- Energy solutions, including biogas, solar PV, etc
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
- The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak)
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2) (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: regressed by 0.23% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak).
- Water recycled: 7ML
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- 85% of sold components were remanufactured, with the balance being new component sales
SDG14 |
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development |
- Responsible corporate commitment
- Water (municipal & borehole sources): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against target (Target Not Met)
Water recycled: 7ML
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- 85% of sold components were remanufactured, with the balance being new component sales
SDG15 |
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss |
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Zero work-related fatalities
- LTIFR ≤0.34
- Non-renewable energy: The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Water (municipal sources): The group set an efficiency improvement target of 15% to be achieved by FYE2027 from the 2021 baseline
- Renewable energy: ≥1 764MWh or more of renewable energy by end 2024
- 100% of solid and liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
- Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- Non-renewable Energy Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 1% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(Scope 1 and 2) (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: regressed by 0.23% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Water Efficiency (against business as usual cosumption):
Annaulised Targeted: 6% improvement
FY2024 Actual: improved by 3% against business-as-usual (Target Not Met)
- Renewable energy consumption (Solar PV):
FY2024: 4 142MWh (Target Met)
FY2023: 2 136MWh
The total solar PV installed capacity since 2016 is approximately 2 922kW (peak)
- 98.98% of solid and 100% liquid waste disposed through formal waste disposal service providers
SDG16 |
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels |
- Obey the law
- Respect others
- Be fair
- Responsible citizenship programme
- Engage with our key stakeholders and takes into consideration their needs, interests and
- Takes responsibility for leading ethically and establishing an ethical culture
- Achieved a 75% improvement in our customer Net Loyalty Score, a survey tracking customer satisfaction levels
- 93.5% of Barloworld Equipment southern Africa employees were declared fit to work
- Improving our health and safety performance:
Work-related fatalities
FY2024: Two (Target Not Met)
FY2023: Zero
FY2024: 0.11 (Target Met)
FY2023: 0.17
- Application of the group stakeholder engagement framework and policy, and the group stakeholder engagement champions forum
- One Barloworld Deployed Employee Engagement Survey:
81.7% employees in the Group participated in the survey
- Happy Job survey (VT operation only):
79% employees in VT patricipated in the survey
- To promote this mantra and to foster a unified ethical culture, the following measures have yielded positive results:
Quarterly ethics community meetings with the divisional ethics champions
A monthly ethics newsletter, which is disseminated group-wide
A centralised tip-offs case management system
Group-wide virtual and in-person training sessions on sexual harassment; harassment and bullying; and ethics and compliance policies
Awareness campaigns on malicious reporting vs protected disclosures; conflicts of interest; retaliation; gifts and hospitality; fraud; theft; and anti-bribery and corruption.
- Calls made to the Barloworld Ethics Line:
39% of the closed calls were substantiated, 48% were unsubstantiated and 13% were inconclusive
145 ethics calls were received
47% being human resources related
- Total substantiated closed calls, resulted in:
15 dismissals;
6 written warnings;
10 final written warnings, and criminal cases were opened for fraud, corruption and theft
SDG17 |
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development |
- Responsible citizenship programme
- OECD guidelines
- National Business Initiative
- Business Unity South Africa