Reduction of waste to landfill
A few years ago, Barloworld Equipment faced challenges in managing hazardous waste. However, a number of waste reduction initiatives (i.e. recycling of oil sludge through co-processing, recycling of oil filters and oil contaminated waste, rag-washing, bioremediation, incineration, etc.) are continuously being implemented to ensure that the amount of hazardous waste sent to landfill is significantly reduced.
The cost of waste disposal was extremely high and that led to the construction of wash-bays in various regions to address water and oil recycling issues. Sludge constitutes about 75 - 80% of hazardous waste that is generated within BWE. Bioremediation solution was firstly introduced at the Middleburg campus. The bioremediation trial in Middleburg resulted in significant reduction in hazardous waste sent to landfill and associated costs. Isando has followed suit in trialing bio-remediation, i.e. about 80% of sludge was collected in July 2023 and site treatment initiated using locally sourced bacteria. The process yielded clean soil that will be used as topsoil in the campus. BWE also initiated a project to reduce solid waste to landfill by investing in an oily rags washing facility that was trialed at BRC. Zambia’s waste reduction initiatives have seen them partner with various local service providers that recycles plastic, paper, cardboard, and wood to be re-used/re-purposed/remanufactured into high-strength environmentally friendly polyester strapping, packaging for the manufactured polyester strapping, paper towels & toilet rolls, as well as wooden furniture.
Waste reduction initiatives that have been successfully trialed and implemented will be replicated in other BWE SnA Regions to ensure that BWE’s strategic goal to achieve “Zero Waste” to landfill is realized.
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