Corporate governance
The Companies Act (No. 71 of 2008) requires every company to hold an annual general meeting (AGM) every year. This affords shareholders an opportunity to put questions to the members of the Barloworld board and senior executive management.
Business usually dealt with at the annual general meeting includes –
- the receiving and acceptance of the company’s annual financial statements, including the directors’ report, the report of the auditors and the report of the audit committee for the past year;
- the election or re-election of directors retiring by rotation;
- the election or re-election of the audit committee members;
- appointment of external auditor;
- approving the remuneration policy; and;
- dealing with special business of which due notice has been given such as the repurchase by the company of its own shares or financial assistance or an amendment to its memorandum of incorporation.
General meetings, other than annual general meetings, are held for consideration of matters requiring the approval of shareholders which cannot be left over until the next annual general meeting.
On a show of hands, every ordinary shareholder who is present in person or by proxy at the AGM will have one vote and on a poll, every ordinary shareholder will have one vote for every ordinary share held.
Shareholder meetings
Annual general meeting (AGM) 17 February 2022
Notice of the AGMTransfer secretaries – South Africa
JSE Investor Services (Pty) Limited (Registration number 2000/007239/07) Rennie House, 13th Floor, 19 Ameshof Street, Braamfontein, 2001, (PO Box 4844, Johannesburg) Tel: +27 11 630 0000
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